NOTICE: This is a pre-order for the Synthesizer V Studio 2 release of this voice

If you want to pre-order the Synthesizer V Studio 2 upgrade of this vocal and already own the original release, please click here.

If you want to order the original Synthesizer V Studio release, please click here.

Pre-orders will be available for install on March 21st.

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Eclipsed Sounds

SOLARIA II - Synthesizer V Studio 2 Digital Voice Database

SOLARIA II - Synthesizer V Studio 2 Digital Voice Database


Regular price $89.99 USD
Regular price $89.99 USD Sale price $89.99 USD
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Range: Soprano (D3-B5)
Voice Provider: Emma Rowley
Recorded Language: English

What's new in SOLARIA II? 

    • Vocal range improvements - SOLARIA's clear high range pushes up to B5 in this new version, providing even more workable pitches without additional effort - adding 3 semitones to her higher range!
    • Vocal nuance improvements - SOLARIA's vocal skill and performance are even more clear, with realistic and emotive expression much easier to achieve by default
    • SOLARIA's vocal modes are now more intense - bringing out a greater range of expression for users to explore
    • In Synthesizer V Studio 2, vocal modes now include more detailed control, allowing users to apply the pronunciation or pitch of a vocal mode on its own alongside timbre
    • The new Mouth Opening parameter and phoneme timing and strength controls in Synthesizer V Studio 2 allow for even more detailed control of pronunciation
    • Synthesizer V Studio 2's new pitch expression pad and retake controls allow for even more options when creating a baseline expression to build from
    • With the addition of Korean in Synthesizer V Studio 2, SOLARIA will now be capable of singing in even more languages!
    • Rendering speed in Synthesizer V Studio 2 is even faster, allowing for a more seamless workflow
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