Vocals Beyond Fiction : TONE CHROMA
About HXVOCHXVOC - a new voice database built for rock and metal music, for Synthesizer V Studio 2.
About GALENAIAGALENAIA - a new voice database designed for classical and operatic music, for Synthesizer V Studio 2.

R-01 | ENG | MAS
[h ae v ih k]
HXVOC : The Seeker
An aggressive tenor vocal built for rock and metal music, created in collaboration with vocalist Seann Nicols.
Releases March 27th.
Pre-orders available now.
Key artwork by Ozumii_Wizard

V-01 | ESP | FEM
[g a l e n a y a]
An elegant operatic vocal designed primarily for classical usage.
Releases March 27th.
Pre-orders available now.