Spanish Is Coming to Synthesizer V Studio!



In a future version of Synthesizer V Studio, Spanish will be available as a supported singing language for the first time. The research & development for Spanish has primarily been conducted by us here at Eclipsed Sounds with Dreamtonics' guidance as we collaborated on the implementation. This is the first feature added to Synthesizer V Studio by a third party, so please be aware there will be some rollout differences compared to Dreamtonics-added features.


Will SAROS be Able to Sing in Spanish on Release?

SAROS will be able to sing in Spanish on release day! If you would like to use them in Spanish, it will require an update to Synthesizer V Studio. At this time, it is expected that this update will be a beta version, so users will have to manually download it from the Dreamtonics website. Users who choose to remain on current releases of Synthesizer V Studio will still be able to use SAROS, but only in English.

SAROS’ Spanish

SAROS will be American accented due to the accent of their voice provider, but some degree of effort on our end has been put in to mitigate the impact of their accent. As far as Spanish accent features are concerned: SAROS’ accent features lleísmo & seseo naturally, but data is also available for the usage of ceceo & sheísmo if desired by the user, and pronunciation may easily be switched to exhibit yeísmo with manual changes.


Check out the first example of SAROS' Spanish in their first demo song featuring the language - "Forever" by Aku P! This is the newest version of SAROS' voice database, and the first for which Spanish usage is possible.



Eclipsed Sounds SOLARIA & ASTERIAN Spanish Pronunciation Dictionary Discontinuation

Spanish is coming soon for all voices after SAROS’ release and initial language beta, so we will be discontinuing the Japanese language mode Spanish dictionary distributed with SOLARIA and ASTERIAN. It will be available until then, but will be removed once cross-lingual Spanish is available for all voice databases. This dictionary was designed for users with low levels of experience in vocal synthesis, and so included transcriptions for full words & word parts, but with a full language implementation available now it is no longer necessary. We hope that it was helpful up until this point!


Continuing Development on Spanish in Synthesizer V

Until SAROS' release, we will be evaluating the Spanish implementation internally with the help of our selected demo songwriters and beta testers. Some aspects are expected to be adjusted before release, so please bear with us during this time as we work to make SAROS as good as possible! More information will also be shared by Dreamtonics closer to the release date.





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