ASTERIAN for Synthesizer V Studio - Demos, Range, & Vocal Information

ASTERIAN is our second vocalist for Synthesizer V Studio - a rich bass vocalist with a wide range of expressive options.


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Vocal Range

ASTERIAN's primary vocal range is from C2-F#4, with an additional Falsetto range from G4-C5. The parts of the range in his normal and falsetto tones can be expanded or reduced through the usage of different vocal modes in Synthesizer V Studio Pro.


Vocal Modes

ASTERIAN has 9 vocal modes available for users of Synthesizer V Studio Pro.


Suggested Range: [TBA]

Suggested Combinations:

  • Open - adding "Clear" when using "Open" allows you to bring out more enunciation in ASTERIAN's rounded, dramatic "Open" style.

  • Strained - using "Strained" and "Clear" together creates a bright and tense tone for ASTERIAN.

ASTERIAN's "Clear" vocal mode adds a degree of brightness and thins out some of the additional resonance in his voice. This can be used in small amounts to help cut through a mix, or in large amounts to change the vocal tone more drastically.


Suggested Range: [TBA]

Suggested Combinations:

  • Clear - using "Clear" and "Warm" in combination brings ASTERIAN to his brightest, best for optimizing his sound in pop genres.

  • Gentle - combining "Warm" with "Gentle" provides ASTERIAN's softest tone.

The vocal mode "Warm", like "Clear", also adds a degree of brightness, but it also adds a more subtle characteristic in reducing the roundness of ASTERIAN's pronunciation significantly. This can lend to the impression that he is smiling while singing, and lean more towards a "pop" singing style when applied alongside other modes.


Suggested Range: [TBA]

Suggested Combinations:

  • Warm - using "Gentle" with "Warm" makes ASTERIAN's voice calming and relaxed, best for more laid-back sounding songs.

  • Passionate - combining "Passionate" with "Gentle" will mellow out ASTERIAN's natural tone without fully sounding as soft as "Gentle" does, while enhancing his tone through the inclusion of "Passionate".

The softest vocal mode, "Gentle", mellows out ASTERIAN's voice significantly, warming his tone while also creating a pleasant breathiness that can be applied to many different situations. In smaller amounts, "Gentle" can soften most other vocal modes.


Suggested Range: [TBA]

Suggested Combinations:

  • Rough - with "Rough", "Strained" brings out even more grit and intensity.

  • Passionate - to find a middle ground between tension and performance, mixing "Strained" with "Passionate" is ideal.

  • Clear - using "Clear" and "Strained" together helps to bring out more raspiness from this vocal mode.

ASTERIAN's "Strained" vocal mode adds a significant degree of tension to the voice, particularly noticeable in his upper register. This can brighten up the vocal track as well as add a bit more character to the piece when mixed with other modes - this mode can even be leveraged to produce raspy lines with other adjustments.


Suggested Range:

Suggested Combinations:

  • Open -

  • Strained -

The "Rough" vocal mode is a somewhat experimental mode that adds a degree of grit and power to the voice. It works best when used in combination with other vocal modes where its effect can be more subtle, but it can also create a more unique tone when used alone as well.


Suggested Range: [TBA]

Suggested Combinations:

  • Passionate - adding "Passionate" helps to calm the degree of intensity from "Open" while still being able to leverage the "Open" vocal mode's powerful tone.

  • Theatrical - combining "Open" with "Theatrical" makes ASTERIAN's most operatic and dramatic sound.

"Open" gives the voice a much more resonant and choral sound when compared to ASTERIAN's default settings. It can be used in small amounts to round out pronunciation into a more classical style, or in large amounts to create a dramatic performance.


Suggested Range: [TBA]

Suggested Combinations:

  • Warm - using "Closed" with "Warm" can help create a sound more ideal for unique musical styles, including ambient, soft jazz, or lo-fi pieces.

  • Gentle - using "Closed" as a parameter with "Gentle" can add more of a dynamic impression to this softer vocal mode.

  • Strained - combining "Strained" and "Closed" can add a more nasal factor to ASTERIAN.

The "Closed" vocal mode is the most unusual of the selection when used alone, giving ASTERIAN a nasal and mumbling quality. However, it is best used in small amounts or as a parameter to adjust the openness of other modes. Additionally, to improve mixing clarity, it is suggested that users try the separated Aspiration Output settings on the render panel to isolate aspiration.


Suggested Range: [TBA]

Suggested Combinations:

  • Strained - combining "Strained" and "Passionate" adds more tension and brightness over ASTERIAN's improved "Passionate" tone.

  • Clear - adding "Clear" to "Passionate" can brighten ASTERIAN's tone somewhat and improve the simplicity of integrating ASTERIAN's vocals into the mixing process.

  • Warm - using "Passionate" with "Warm" adds more of a full tone to ASTERIAN's most "pop" style mode.

ASTERIAN's "Passionate" vocal mode is the closest to his default tone, but adds a subtle degree of style and performance to any piece. It can generally be used to boost ASTERIAN's emotive quality and elevates the tone of most other vocal modes as a result. "Passionate" typically functions as an "ASTERIAN+" in this way.


Suggested Range: [TBA]

Suggested Combinations:

  • Open - combining "Open" with "Theatrical" makes ASTERIAN's most operatic and dramatic sound, ideal for cinematic usages or adding chanting lines.

  • Strained - adding "Strained" to "Theatrical" creates a more emotional performance, perfect for usage as a parameter on a more dramatic piece

  • Rough - using "Rough" alongside "Theatrical" can create a unique and gritty tone alongside more cinematic sounds

The "Theatrical" mode is the most open and operatic of the selection, with a uniquely dramatic quality that suits more intense pieces. When combined with the "Open" vocal mode, this effect can be increased further, or it can be differently adjusted for other performance styles by blending it with modes like "Gentle" or "Closed".



Eclipsed Design Contest (July 18th - September 1st, 2023)

ASTERIAN's Eclipsed Design Contest is currently ongoing! Enter for a chance at physical editions of all 3 Eclipsed Sounds vocals and $1000 USD delivered via PayPal.



Pre-Release Demo Songs

As ASTERIAN was our second vocalist, we wanted to go beyond what had been done previously for SOLARIA's release lead-up. This began with ensuring ASTERIAN had more demo songs available than SOLARIA did on release. As a result, while SOLARIA's release began with 4 original demonstration songs - for ASTERIAN, we aimed for 5.


In "If You Are an Echo", nostraightanswer debuted ASTERIAN alongside SOLARIA in this mellow duet, showcasing his gentler vocal modes as well as manual stylization by avoiding auto pitch tuning functions.



"Ad Astra" is an intense rock piece by Kohikohi showcases ASTERIAN's powerful side, a resonant and commanding bass vocal that easily fronts even the most dramatic songs.




This nostalgic song from Penelope Aveline shows a soft side to ASTERIAN's voice - a warm and emotional tone enhanced by his unique Instant Mode pitch calculations that bring in the natural charm of the voice provider, Eric Hollaway.



This jazz-rock fusion piece by Derek Spear showcases ASTERIAN's playful side (and Instant Mode pitch functionality) as a lead singer for the imagined jazz club ‘Nocturne Alley’, where even scat singing can be performed by this AI singer without sacrificing any realism.


Kkiquu brings a more contemporary sound out of ASTERIAN in "Venom", using manual pitch adjustment to pull ASTERIAN's warm bass tone into more of a pop stylization.





Promotional Images

During ASTERIAN's promotional period, we worked with comic artist rice to have original comic strips created to highlight his unique charms. rice created 3 different comics: the first depicted SOLARIA's anticipation while waiting for ASTERIAN to arrive, the second showed their first introduction, and the third highlighted ASTERIAN's uniqueness as a vocal provided by Eric Hollaway, a voice artist primarily known for his extremely popular TikTok account.





User Works

Our vocals also feature in a great deal of works published online by users. One of the ways we collect these for display is by managing a Spotify Artist Page for each of our vocalists, including ASTERIAN. Users can include ASTERIAN as a featured artist on their Spotify releases to be included on the ASTERIAN profile. Eclipsed Sounds does not take any royalties or streaming revenue from releases using ASTERIAN, and credit of ASTERIAN is completely optional for users.

Feel free to share your own works featuring ASTERIAN using #SynthV_ASTERIAN on social media.



Development Challenges

Despite ASTERIAN's seemingly smooth announcement and promotional period, ASTERIAN faced some trouble internally during development. ASTERIAN was more difficult to work on than previous vocals, his incredibly deep voice required an update to Synthesizer V Studio itself that Dreamtonics was very kind to prepare for us. On top of that, Eric Hollaway, ASTERIAN's voice provider, had to evacuate due to a hurricane in the middle of the recording period. These complications and more behind the scenes lead to a compressed commercial announcement and series of promotions, rather than what we originally hoped for. Unfortunately, our demo songwriters had to prepare most of their songs before ASTERIAN was even finished, which also impacted the pre-release demonstration set. Even with all of these difficulties, ASTERIAN is an incredible, unique vocal that we are more than honored to have as part of our lineup. We hope to focus more attention on him soon for his upcoming release anniversary.

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